Mankind - music - technology : technology in the musical thinking of the 20th and early 21st centuries

To chci

"This book examines the modalities of human relationships and technology as reflected in the musical thinking of the authors of art music of the 20th and early 21st centuries. The discursive and reference frame of the treatise consists mainly of individual artistic poetics and more general musical-aesthetic reflections embedded in the basic theoretical concepts celý popis

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Podrobná bibliografie

Hlavní autor
Martin Flašar, 1979-
Další autoři
Mark Newkirk
Typ dokumentu
Fyzický popis
145 stran : ilustrace (některé barevné) ; 26 cm
Brno : Masaryk University Press, 2024
First edition
Masaryk University monographs ; vol. 3
Popis jednotky
Přeloženo z češtiny
Obsahuje bibliografii, bibliografické odkazy a rejstříky


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